Marekani yataka Armenia na Azerbaijan kukumbatia Diplomasia

Na Patrick Nduwimana | Washington DC | Waziri wa mambo ya nje wa marekani Mike Pompeo amezisihi Armenia na Azerbaijan kufikia suluhisho la kidiplomasiya kuhusu mzozo kati yao wa kudhibiti jimbo lenye ugomvi la Nagorno Karabakh, ambako ghasia zilizoanza miezi miwili iliopita ziliendelea jana jumanne, licha ya mkataba wa kusitisha mapigano uliofikiwa na pande zote mjini Washington.

Akiwa ziarani nchini India, Pompeo alizungumza kwa njia ya simu na waziri mkuu wa Armenia Nikol Pashinyan pamoja na rais wa Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev.

Pompeo amewashinikiza viongozi hao wawili kutekeleza ahadi zao za kusitisha mapambano na kutafuta suluhisho la kidiplomasiya, taarifa ya wizara ya mambo ya nje ya marekani imesema.

Jumanne, nchi mbili kila mmoja imeishtumu nyingine kushambulia ngome zilizoko nje ya Nagorno Karabakh, baada ya mkataba wa sitisho la mapigano uliopatikana kutokana na juhudi za waziri Pompeo.


Benki ya NMB imepata ongezeko la asilimia 76 la faida kabla ya kodi kwa kipindi kilichoishia Septemba 30, 2020.

Kwa miaka mitano sasa, Tanzania imeshuhudia ukuaji imara wa uchumi uliowezeshwa na sera thabiti za kiuchumi za Serikali ya awamu ya Tano. Maendeleo haya ya kiuchumi, mazingira rafiki ya kibiashara, pamoja na utekelezaji mzuri wa mikakati ya benki ya NMB ni sababu kuu zilizopelekea ongezeko hili la faida katika robo ya tatu ya mwaka 2020. Katika kipindi hiki faida kabla ya kodi ya Benki ya NMB imepanda kwa 76% kutoka Shilingi bilioni 118 katika robo ya tatu ya mwaka 2019 hadi shilingi bilioni 208 mwaka huu, wakati faida baada ya kodi ikipanda kutoka shilingi bilioni 82 hadi shilingi bilioni 145 ambayo ni sawa na ongezeko la 77%.

Pia katika kipindi hiki, mkakati wa Benki ya NMB wa kukuza vyanzo vya mapato umejidhihirisha kwa ongezeko la mapato yatokanayo na uendeshaji kwa 14% kutoka bilioni 527 katika robo ya tatu mwaka 2019 hadi bilioni 600 katika robo ya tatu ya mwaka huu (2020). Katika kipindi hiki pia programu za Benki za kudhibiti gharama za uendeshaji na matumizi ziliimarishwa na kusababisha uwiano mzuri wa gharama na mapato kwa 52%.

Vile vile, Benki ya NMB kama mwezeshaji mkubwa wa maendeleo na uchumi nchini, imeweza kukuza rasilimali zake kwa 15% kutoka shilingi trilioni 6.1 kipindi kama hiki mwaka jana hadi trilioni 7 katika robo ya tatu ya mwaka 2020; hili limesababishwa na ongezeko la amana za wateja kwa 15% na ongezeko la mikopo kwa wateja la 16%.

Benki yetu pia imepata mafanikio makubwa katika eneo la ukopeshaji kwa kupunguza tengo la mikopo chechefu kwa asilimia 22 ukilinganisha na kipindi husika mwaka 2019.

Kwa matokeo haya ya utekelezaji kwa kipindi hiki, Benki ya NMB imeendelea kuimarisha mtaji wake juu ya kiwango kilichowekwa kisheria na Benki Kuu ya Tanzania cha asilimia 12.5. Hiki ni kiashiria muhimu sana kuthibitisha afya ya Benki ya NMB kuendelea na biashara yake kwa miaka mingi ijayo.

Akitangaza matokeo ya robo ya tatu ya mwaka 2020 ya Benki hiyo, Afisa Mtendaji Mkuu wa Benki ya NMB, Ruth Zaipuna alisema kuwa matokeo haya yamesababishwa na kukua kwa haraka kwa uchumi wa Tanzania, sera wezeshi na mwendelezo wa ukuaji wa pato la taifa kwa miaka ya hivi karibuni kama ilivyodhihirishwa kwa nchi yetu kuingia kwenye uchumi wa kati mwezi Julai mwaka 2020. Haya yote yamesababisha sekta ya kibenki kufanya vizuri, ikiwemo Benki ya NMB.

Bi. Zaipuna alisema kuwa “utendaji mzuri wa kifedha wa Benki ya NMB mwaka wote wa 2020 ni kielelezo kizuri cha ufanisi wa utekelezaji wa mikakati ya Benki, ubora wa wafanyakazi wetu na imani ya wateja wetu kuendelea kutumia huduma zetu za kibenki. Tunaendelea kuwashukuru wateja wetu, wanahisa wote na wafanyakazi wetu wote kwa matokeo haya chanya”.

Ni katika muktadha huo, wiki iliyopita, benki ya NMB ilipata tuzo ya Benki Salama zaidi Tanzania kwa mwaka 2020 itolewayo na jarida la kimataifa la Global Finance la New York, nchini Marekani. Ushindi huu umepatikana miezi kadhaa tangu jarida la Euromoney la London liitangaze Benki ya NMB kuwa Benki Bora Tanzania kwa miaka nane mfululizo.


Ndechao Sangawe | UDBS | The scale of technological change continues to unfold at a dramatic pace. Today, many of the advances in mobile-assisted technology would have not been imaginable at the beginning of the 21st century.

As these advances take place, it is not surprising that the overall data traffic is on the rise and is set to continue to increase in years to come. For example, research released by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development suggests that global data traffic is set to increase from 46,000 GB per second in 2017 to 150,700 GB per second by 2022.

Given Africa’s young and growing population, it is easy to see how these countries’ citizens will play a significant part in the upward trajectory of global data traffic.

For Tanzania specifically, it is fair to say that digitalization has emerged a key trend for a number of years now. Indeed, the country has seen its digital landscape grow from strength to strength as more and more people seek to take advantage of the benefits that digital tech affords.

For example, this summer, the TCRA announced that the overall use of mobile money in Tanzania continues to rise, with the total number of registered accounts rising from over 27 million in April to 29 million by the end of June.

This growth shows that mobile money has become an essential tool for how people manage their finances.

Meanwhile, it should be noted that this is also the result of the efforts made by the country’s telecoms sector to invest in services and technology that suit the needs of their customers.

One good example is Tigo Tanzania. Tigo’s mobile money service – Tigo Pesa – has provided its customers with a fast and reliable method for depositing and transferring money.

In addition, Tigo Pesa removes the need for customers to make regular trips to the banks, meaning customers can keep track of their finances simply through the click of a button.

Services like Tigo Pesa provide countless customers with a new way of managing their finances.

Tanzania’s telecoms sector has shown that it is a powerful force for positive change.

Going forward, it is now more important than ever that stakeholders come together to provide the necessary support for the sector through sensible regulation and mutual cooperation. This will not only help ensure telecoms operators can better serve future customers, but also ensure that positive impacts of the sector continue to be enjoyed for years to come.

As these advances take place, it is not surprising that the overall data traffic is on the rise and is set to continue to increase in years to come. For example, research released by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development suggests that global data traffic is set to increase from 46,000 GB per second in 2017 to 150,700 GB per second by 2022.

Given Africa’s young and growing population, it is easy to see how these countries’ citizens will play a significant part in the upward trajectory of global data traffic.

For Tanzania specifically, it is fair to say that digitalization has emerged a key trend for a number of years now. Indeed, the country has seen its digital landscape grow from strength to strength as more and more people seek to take advantage of the benefits that digital tech affords.

For example, this summer, the TCRA announced that the overall use of mobile money in Tanzania continues to rise, with the total number of registered accounts rising from over 27 million in April to 29 million by the end of June.

This growth shows that mobile money has become an essential tool for how people manage their finances.

Meanwhile, it should be noted that this is also the result of the efforts made by the country’s telecoms sector to invest in services and technology that suit the needs of their customers.

One good example is Tigo Tanzania. Tigo’s mobile money service – Tigo Pesa – has provided its customers with a fast and reliable method for depositing and transferring money.

In addition, Tigo Pesa removes the need for customers to make regular trips to the banks, meaning customers can keep track of their finances simply through the click of a button.

Services like Tigo Pesa provide countless customers with a new way of managing their finances.

Tanzania’s telecoms sector has shown that it is a powerful force for positive change.

Going forward, it is now more important than ever that stakeholders come together to provide the necessary support for the sector through sensible regulation and mutual cooperation. This will not only help ensure telecoms operators can better serve future customers, but also ensure that positive impacts of the sector continue to be enjoyed for years to come.

Donald Trump amuapisha Amy Coney Barrett kuwa Jaji katika Mahakama Kuu Marekani!

Baraza la seneti la marekani limemuidhinisha jaji Amy Coney Barret kwa kura 52 dhidi ya 48 kuwa jaji kwenye mahakama ya juu ya marekani kuchukua nafasi ilioachwa na marehemu jaji Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

Ma seneta karibu wote wa chama cha republican wamepiga kura kumuidhinisha jaji Barret. Seneta mrepublican wa jimbo la Maine Susan Collins ameungana na ma seneta wa democrats wote kwa kutomuudhinisha jaji Barret.

Jaji Barret ni jaji wa 3 kuteuliwa na rais Donald Trump kwenye mahakama ya juu. Mahakama hiyo sasa itakua na majaji 6 wenye msimamo wa kiconservative na wa tatu wenye msimamo wa kiliberali.

Jaji Barret ameapishwa katika hafla iliyofanyika katika Ikulu ya nchi hiyo White House.


Mkuu wa Mkoa wa Dar es salaam Mhe. Aboubakar Kunenge amewataka waendesha Bodaboda na Bajaji kuwa mabalozi wazuri wa kulinda amani na utulivu wa Mkoa huo na kuwaomba kutoa taarifa pindi wanapobaini watu au kundi la watu wahalifu.

RC Kunenge ametoa kauli hiyo leo wakati wa mkutano na waendesha bodaboda na Bajaji uliofanyika viwanja vya Mnazi mmoja jijini humo ambapo amesema kazi yao imewafanya wakutane na watu wa aina mbalimbali ikiwemo wahalifu hivyo ni vizuri wakashirikiana na jeshi la polisi pindi wanapoona viashiria vya uvunjifu wa amani.

Aidha RC Kunenge amewahakikishia ushirikiano na Serikali kwenye masuala mbalimbali huku akiwahimiza kuchangamkia fursa ya mikopo inayotolewa na Serikali kupitia Halmashauri.

Pamoja na hayo RC Kunenge amesema Serikali ya awamu ya tano chini ya Rais Dkt. John Magufuli imefanya kazi kubwa Katika kuwatatulia changamoto na kero zilizokuwa zikiwakabili na itaendelea kuwawekea mazingira Bora na salama ya kufanya kazi ili kuhakikisha ajira yao inaheshimika na kuwanufaisha kiuchumi.

Hata hivyo amewahimiza kujitokeza kushiriki kwenye uchaguzi Mkuu unaotarajiwa kufanyika October 28 kwa kuwachagua Viongozi wanaofaa.

Mkutano huo umehudhuriwa pia na kamanda wa Polisi Kanda maalumu ya Dar es salaam, RPC Ilala, makamanda wa Polisi, na Bajaji pamoja na waendesha Bodaboda na Bajaji.


Barrick President and Chief Executive, Mark Bristow addresses a media conference in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania on 23rd October this year about the success story of Twiga Mineral Corporation. Twiga is a joint venture between Barrick and the Government of Tanzania.
Members of international and Tanzania local media at work during the Barrick President and Chief Executive, Mark Bristow press conference in Dar es Salaam on 23rd October this year. Twiga is a joint venture between Barrick and the Government of Tanzania.

Dar es Salaam | Tanzania | Barely a year after it was established, Twiga Minerals Corporation has demonstrated the value-creating capacity of a true partnership between a mining company and its host nation, Barrick president and chief executive Mark Bristow said here today at a press briefing following his quarterly mine visits.

Twiga is a joint venture between Barrick and the Government of Tanzania, and oversees the management of Barrick’s assets in the country as well as the implementation of the economic benefit-sharing agreement. It was formed when Barrick took over the operations of the former Acacia Mining in September last year and subsequently entered into a framework agreement with the government. In terms of the agreement, Barrick will pay the government $300 million to settle past disputes with Acacia.

In addition to the first $100 million tranche of the settlement, Barrick’s assets in Tanzania have since paid more than $200 million to the government in taxes and royalties, and last week Twiga declared a maiden interim dividend of $250 million.

The fact that so much value has been delivered in such a short time is a tribute to the power of what I believe is the first partnership of its kind in Africa. With the framework agreement now fully implemented, we have settled most of the landowner disputes and are well on our way to ensure that we are fully compliant with our environmental permits as well as with the government’s local content legislation,” Bristow said.

A rehabilitated and re-energized North Mara is ahead of plan in the year to date and Bulyanhulu has resumed underground mining operations and is scheduled to restart processing of underground ore by the end of 2020 as a long-life underground mine. We are gearing up to potentially make North Mara and Bulyanhulu into a combined Tier One complex, capable of producing at least 500,000 ounces of gold annually for more than 10 years in the lower half of the industry’s cost profile1. We shall also be looking to expand the life of operations as well as other new Tanzanian opportunities within the Twiga framework.

Barrick has been awarded 10 new exploration licenses in Tanzania and plans to spend $8 million on exploration there this year.

The company’s commitment to stakeholder partnership encompasses its host communities and a community development committee has already been established at North Mara. On the environmental front, a comprehensive water management plan is being implemented. Since Barrick assumed operational control in 2019 some 50% of the water in the North Mara tailings dam has been removed to date.

Tanzia: Mtangazaji wa TBC, Elisha Elia Afariki Dunia!

Mtangazaji wa Shirika la Habari Tanzania (TBC), ELISHA ELIA MWAKAGALI amefariki Dunia hii Jumamosi ya leo, Oktoba 24, 2020 katika Hospitali ya Taifa Muhimbili alikokua amelazwa kwa matibabu. 
Mkurugenzi Mkuu wa TBC, Dkt. Ayub Rioba amethibitisha kutokea kwa msiba huo.

Bwana Ametoa! Bwana Ametwaa! Jina la Bwana Lihimidiwe! Amen!



Absa Bank Tanzania Director of Finance, Obedi Laiser (second left), hands over a dummy cheque for TShs 10 million to Pact Tanzania Country Director, Marianna Balampama in Dar es Salaam yesterday. Looking on from left are; Absa Bank Marketing and Corporate Relations Head, Aron Luhanga and the bank's Acting Corporate Director, Nellyana Mmanyi.

Absa Bank Tanzania has donated TShs 10 million to Pact Tanzania in support of WASH projects post the pandemic Covid 19.

Speaking about the donation, the bank’s Finance Director, Mr. Obedi Laiser, said “We realize that this has been the most difficult time for most of our communities and businesses whose financial means are being negatively affected. As such, being responsible financial partners we are happy to support our communities through Pact Tanzania in order to continue bringing their possibilities to life despite the present challenges.

The bank’s Head of Marketing and Corporate Relations, Mr. Aron Luhanga added by saying “Our passion for our communities is as strong as ever and our commitment to serve and protect them is unwavering. This is why we continue to invest in their wellbeing as we adhere with the guidelines and protocols set out by the Ministry of Health”.

Along this donation, the bank’s Acting Corporate Director, Ms. Nellyana Mmanyi said, “apart from this donation, Absa Bank Tanzania implemented a payment holiday programme to its customers spanning across Retail, Business Banking, and Corporate and Investment Banking segments.

The comprehensive debt relief programme was a three months’ loan repayment holiday, which comes alongside other efforts initiated by the bank to support its customers amidst covid19 pandemic. The programme, which started in April, was being conducted in full compliance with the Bank of Tanzania regulatory requirements.

For more information, please contact: 

Aron Luhanga
Head, Marketing & Corporate Relations
Absa Bank Tanzania Limited
+255 768 221 717

About Absa Bank Tanzania

Absa Bank Tanzania Limited is a leading commercial bank in Tanzania that currently boasts a network of 15 branches and 62 ATMs strategically located Tanzaniawide – 21 at all our branches and 49 offsite.

The Bank is a wholly owned subsidiary of Absa Group Limited.

Absa Bank Tanzania Limited, (registered number 38557), is regulated by the Bank of Tanzania.

About Absa Group Limited

Absa Group Limited (‘Absa Group’) is listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange and is one of Africa’s largest diversified financial services groups.

Absa Group offers an integrated set of products and services across personal and business banking, corporate and investment banking, wealth and investment management and insurance.

Absa Group has a presence in 12 countries in Africa, with approximately 40,000 employees.

The Group’s registered head office is in Johannesburg, South Africa, and it owns majority stakes in banks in Botswana, Ghana, Kenya, Mauritius, Mozambique, Seychelles, South Africa, Tanzania (Absa Bank Tanzania and National Bank of Commerce), Uganda and Zambia. The Group also has representative offices in Namibia and Nigeria, as well as insurance operations in Botswana, Kenya, Mozambique, South Africa, Tanzania and Zambia, and an international representative office in London and soon in New York.

For further information about Absa Group Limited, please visit

Watumishi wa Afya, Wadau Wakutana Karimjee

Mkuu wa Wilaya ya Temeke, Godwin Gondwe akiwa katika hafla hiyo iliyofanyika katika Viwanja Vya Karimjee Dar es Salaam.
Mgeni rasmi ambaye ni Kaimu Mkuu wa Mkoa wa Dar es Salaam, ambaye ni Mkuu wa Wilaya ya Ilala Mhe. Ng’wilabuzu Ndwata Ludigija (katikati) akiteta jambo na Mkuu wa Wilaya ya Kinondoni, Daniel Chongolo kabla ya kuhutubia hotuba yake ya kuwapongeza wahudumu wa afya kwa kazi nzuri wanayoifanya katika jamii.
Baadhi ya watumishi wa Idara ya Afya na wadau wa Afya wakifuatilia kilichokuwa kikiendelea katika hafla hiyo.
Baadhi ya Watumishi wa Idara ya Afya na wadau wa Afya wakiendelea kufuatilia kilichokuwa kikiendelea katika hafla hiyo.
Taswira iliyoonekana katika hafla hiyo.
Hafla ikiendelea ya kuwashukuru watumishi wa idara ya Afya kutokana na utendaji kazi wao wa kila siku wa kuhakikisha wanaokoa maisha ya wananchi.


Watumishi wa Idara ya Afya na wadau mbalimbali wa Afya katika Mkoa wa Dar es Salaam jioni hii wamekutana na kupongezana kwa kazi kubwa wanayoendelea nayo katika kuwatumikiwa wananchi katika sekta ya afya.

Katika hafla hiyo imehudhuriwa na Kaimu Mkuu wa Mkoa wa Dar es Salaam ambaye ni Mkuu wa Wilaya ya Ilala, Mhe. Ng’wilabuzu Ndwata Ludigija.

Baada ya Ushindi, Yanga Yatahadharishwa!

Kocha mkuu wa KMC Habibu Kondo, amewatahadharisha Yanga kutokwenda na matokeo kichwani katika mechi dhidi yao itakayochezwa Jumapili ya tarehe 25 /10/2020 jijini Mwanza.
Tunashukuru Mwenyezi Mungu tumefika salama tangu jana, na kwa sasa tumeshakuwa wenyeji hapa Mwanza, tumepata nafasi ya kufanya mazoezi jana na tumefanya mazoezi tena leo kuanzia saa 9:00 hadi saa11:00 jioni ili kuendelea kuzoea hali ya hewa, kiufundi timu tumeiandaa vyema”, alisema.
Ameongeza kuwa; ”Yanga isijiamini na matokeo iliyoyapata katika mchezo wa mwisho dhidi ya Polisi Tazania, huku sisi tukitoa sare katika mchezo wetu wa mwisho dhidi ya Ruvu Shooting, sisi tulikutana na wapinzani bora sana ndiyo maana tukapata matokeo hayo lakini dhidi ya Yanga ni mechi tofauti kabisa”.
KMC inajivunia kikosi chake chenye nyota kadhaa kama nahodha Juma Kaseja aliyepo kwenye kiwango bora kwa sasa, Israel Mwenda, Hassan Kapalata, Reliant Lusajo, Keny Ally Hassan Kabunda, Andew Vicent “Dante” na wengineo.
Katika msimu huu wa ligi 2020-2021, KMC ipo kwenye nafasi ya 6 ikiwa imecheza michezo 7, imeshinda 3 na kutoka sare 2, huku wakipoteza michezo 2 wakiwa wamefunga magoli 9 na kuruhusu kufungwa magoli 4.
"Tunashukuru Mwenyezi Mungu tumefika salama tangu jana, kwa sasa tumeshakuwa wenyeji hapa Mwanza, tumepata nafasi ya kufanya mazoezi jana na tumefanya mazoezi tena leo kuanzia saa 9:00 alasiri ili kuendelea kuzoea hali ya hewa, kiufundi timu tumeiandaa vyema”, alisema.
Ameongeza kuwa "Yanga isijiamini na matokeo iliyoyapata katika mchezo wa mwisho dhidi ya Polisi Tazania, huku sisi tukitoa sare katika mchezo wetu wa mwisho dhidi ya Ruvu Shooting, sisi tulikutana na wapinzani bora sana ndiyo maana tukapata matokeo hayo lakini dhidi ya Yanga ni mechi tofauti kabisa”.
KMC inajivunia kikosi chake chenye nyota kadhaa kama nahodha Juma Kaseja aliyepo kwenye kiwango bora kwa sasa, Israel Mwenda, Hassan Kapalata, Reliant Lusajo, Keny Ally Hassan Kabunda, Andew Vicent “Dante” na wengineo.
Katika msimu huu wa ligi 2020-2021, KMC ipo kwenye nafasi ya 6 ikiwa imecheza michezo 7, imeshinda 3 na kutoka sare 2, huku wakipoteza michezo 2 wakiwa wamefunga magoli 9 na kuruhusu kufungwa magoli 4.


Kufuatia agizo la Mkuu wa Mkoa wa Dar es salaam Mhe. Aboubakar Kunenge kuitaka taasisi ya TICTS kuhakikisha kontena Sita zenye Vifaa vya Ujenzi wa Stand mpya ya Mbezi Louis zilizokuwa zimekwama Bandarin kutoka ndani ya masaa mawili, hatimae Taasisi hiyo imetekeleza mara moja agizo hilo.

Mapema leo RC Kunenge amefika Stand mpya ya Mbezi Louis kujihakikishia Kama kontena hizo zimefika ambapo amethibitisha kujionea kontena zote sita zimefika na kufanya idadi kontena zilizotoka kufikia 14.

Aidha RC Kunenge amebainisha kuwa kontena zilizofika ndani yake Kuna Vifaa mbalimbali ikiwemo Vioo, Fremu za madirisha, Mabati na kueleza kuwa Vifaa hivyo vimeanza kutumika Mara tu vilipofika.

Hata hivyo RC Kunenge ameendelea kumtaka Mkandarasi kufanya kazi usiku na Mchana ili Stendi hiyo ikamilike kabla ya November 30 Kama alivyoagiza Rais Dkt. John Magufuli wakati wa uwekaji wa jiwe la msingi.

Itakumbukwa siku ya Jana October 23 RC Kunenge alifanya ziara ya kustukiza kwenye Bandari ya Dar es salaam kufuatilia kinachokwamisha kutoka kwa kontena hizo na kubaini kasoro za kiutendaji na kuamua kutoa maagizo ya kutaka kontena hizo zitoke ndani ya masaa mawili.


CRDB Bank is looking for fresh, ambitious and competitive graduates with an Upper Second Class Undergraduate Degree from any accredited University.



Minister of State in the President's Office, Regional Administration and Local Government, Selemani Jafo (centre), presents a dummy cheque worth 138.6 million as dividend from DCB Commercial Bank PLC to Temeke District Commissioner, Godwin Gondwe (first left). Second left is DCB Commercial Bank PLC Chief Executive Officer, Godfrey Ndalahwa.

Dar es Salaam - Three shareholders with the DCB Commercial Bank Plc pocketed a total of Sh287 million in dividends recently as the 18-year old lender returns restarts issuance of dividends.

The Dar es Salaam City Council (DCC) received Sh138 million while UTT-Asset Management and Investor Services (UTT-Amis) and the National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF) received Sh119 million and Sh30 million respectively and other shareholders receive 200 million.

The money is part of a total dividends of Sh500 million that the DCB Bank Plc approved during its 18th Annual General Meeting which was conducted virtually in June this year (2020).

The Sh500 million was part of the bank’s Sh2.1 billion net profit for the year ending December 31, 2019.

The Minister of State in the President’s Office (Regional Administration and Local Government) Selemani Jafo graced the event to present dummy cheaques to the relevant shareholders in Dar es Salaam recently.

Speaking during the event, Mr Jafo commended the DCB Commercial Bank board and management for driving the lender profitably during the past years and thus releasing return on investments to shareholders.

That this bank has registered tremendous achievements during the past years is quite commendable. It has been issuing dividends to shareholders for 10 years now and this signifies that the board and management have been working hard to live in accordance with the reasons for which the bank was established, which is, to help small scale traders with their financing needs,” he said.

The government, he said, was confident that the banking sector was remained key in the attainment of Tanzania’s development goals.

He commended the Bank of Tanzania and Tanzania Bankers Association for what he termed as candid advice that saw the country navigating well through various challenges, including during the Covid-19 pandemic.

DCB Commercial made a Sh995 million profit in 2018 but its shareholders decided to utilize the money in consolidating the lender’s capital, according to managing director, Mr Godfrey Ndalahwa.

He said at the event that his management embarked on a strategic focus in 2018, with a specific target to ensure that the bank was back to its profitable times within one year.

The bank, he said, had strategized to consolidate itself across all parameters within two years and that after that, it would start extending its services in the third year.

I am happy to report here today that we have in three years, we have achieved a lot. We have been operating profitably. We have also managed to raise its capital through the sale of shares in 2019. We are now very strong in terms of capital. We have managed to reduce the level of Non-Performing Loans while liquidity has greatly improved, all courtesy of the advice that we have been receiving from the Bank of Tanzania and other government agencies,” he said.

He said DCB Commercial Bank Plc has successfully turned from loss making to a profit making entity during the past few years.

With 200,000 customers, DCB is among the five top banks [in terms of customer numbers] out of about Tanzania’s almost 60 banks…We are now growing,” he said.

DCB Commercial Bank was established in 2002 as Dar es Salaam Community Bank. In 2008, it became the first bank to be listed on the Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange and its names changed to DCB Commercial Bank Plc.

The bank, which was originally owned by Ilala, Temeke and Kinondoni municipalities as well as the DCC, became a public company after its Initial Public Offering. It changed its name to DCB Commercial Bank Plc in 2012.


Mkuu wa Wilaya ya Ilemela Dkt. Severine Lalika, akizungumza kwenye Semina ya wastaafu iliyoandaliwa na benki ya CRDB mkoani Mwanza katika ukumbi wa hoteli ya Gold Crest. Benki ya CRDB imeendesha semina ya siku moja kwa wastaafu mkoani Mwanza ikiwa ni sehemu ya utekelezaji wa mpango maalum wa uwezeshaji kwa wastaafu ambao ulizinduliwa na benki hiyo mwishoni mwa mwezi Septemba. Akizungumza katika semina hiyo Mkuu wa Wilaya ya Ilemela Dkt. Severine Lalika aliipongeza Benki ya CRDB kwa kuwawezesha wazee huku akielezea azma ya serikali ni kuhakikisha inatengeneza maisha bora kwa wastaafu wote nchini kwa kuwajengea mazingira endelevu ya kujiingizia kipato.
''Naipongoeza Benki ya CRDB kwa kuendelea kuwa wabunifu kwa kuja na wazo hili la kuwakutanisha wastaafu ili kujadili kwa pamoja fursa zinazopatikana katika benki hii ukizingatia kundi hili la wateja limekuwa likisahaulika'' amesema Dkt. Lakila.

Aidha amesema kuwa CRDB imefanya jambo kubwa kwa kufanya semina kwa wastaafu maana ni kitu kigeni kwa benki ya mikopo kuwakutanisha wastaafu kwa kujadili pamoja na kuwapa mbinu na ujuzi kwa kunijiendeleza kimaendeleo kwa kuongeza kipato.

Dkt. Lakila amewapongeza wastaafu wote walioitikia wito kwa kuja kujifunza mafunzo masula ya kibenki zitolewazo na Benki ya CRDB imani yangu baada ya kongamano hili kutakuwa na mabadiliko makubwa katika utunzaji na uwekaji wa fedha pamoja na masuala ya mikopo.

''Leo ni siku muhimu kwa Benki ya CRDB kwa kutukusanya hapa hivyo naamini baada ya mafunzo hayo tutapata elimu jinsi ya kuwekeza na kutunza masuala ya mikopo katika kuboresha maisha yetu'' amesema Dkt. Lakila.

Dkt. Lakila ameipongeza Benki ya CRDB kwa kuanzisha na kutekeleza mpango huu wa uwezeshaji kwa wastaafu wenye lengo la kuleta faraja na kuwasaidia wastaafu katika kukidhi mahitaji yao mbalimbali ya kimaisha zote tumekuwa tukiona changamoto hivyo mpango huu utaleta tumaini jipya.

Meneja wa Uwezeshaji kwa Wateja Benki ya CRDB, Crispin Sichwale akizungumza juu ya fursa zinazotolewa na Benki ya CRDB kwa wastaafu katika semina iliyoandaliwa na benki hiyo mkoani Mwanza.

Kwa upande wake Meneja wa Benki ya CRDB Uwezeshaji kwa Wateja, Chrispin Sichwale alisema mpango huo wa uwezeshaji kwa wastaafu anajumuisha fursa za kujiwekea akiba, uwekezaji, pamoja na uwezeshaji wa kifedha kwa wastaafu. Sichwale alisema hivi karibuni Benki hiyo imezindua huduma za akaunti maalum ya wastaafu “Pension Account” na huduma ya uwezeshaji wa kifedha kwa wastaafu kidijitali “Pension Advance” kupitia huduma ya SimBanking App, ambapo wastaafu hupata mkopo bure.

Ninajivunia kuwajulisha kuwa hadi leo hii tukiwa tunazindua mpango huu wa uwezeshaji wastafu, tayari wastaafu zaidi ya 19,000 wameshafungua akaunti hii na wanafurahia huduma zetu,” alisema Sichwale huku akibainisha kuwa kupitia akaunti hiyo wastaafu wanapewa TemboCard inayowawezesha kupata huduma kwa CRDB Wakala na ATM zote nchi nzima.

Sichwale alisema kupitia mpango huo wa uwezeshaji kwa wastaafu benki hiyo pia imejipanga kuendelea kutoa mikopo kwa wastaafu ili kuwawezesha kuendeleza biashara na miradi yao ya maendeleo na hivyo kupunguza ukali wa maisha ya kila siku. Kupitia mkopo huo Wastaafu wanaweza kukopa kuanzia shilingi milioni 1 hadi shilingi milioni 100 kwa kipindi cha mwaka 1 hadi 7.


Mazars Wiscon Associates yabadili chapa yake Rasmi

Mkurugenzi Mkuu wa Kampuni ya Mazars Tanzania inayotoa huduma za ushauri wa kodi, ukaguzi wa mahesabu na ushauri wa mambo ya fedha, Witness Shilekirwa (kushoto), na mmoja wa washirika wa kampuni hiyo, Ipyana Lazaro wakiwa katika mkutano na waandishi wa habari Dar es Salaam leo wakati wakitangaza kuzindua chapa na jina lao jipya ambalo awali waliitwa Mazars Wiscon Associates. 

Dar es Salaam, 21 Oktoba 2020: Mazars, kampuni ya kimataifa inayotoa huduma za ushauri wa kodi, ukaguzi wa mahesabu na ushauri wa mambo ya fedha. Leo tumefungua ukurasa mpya kote ulimwenguni katika nchi zaidi ya 90 ikiashiria hatua muhimu katika mageuzi ya kampuni hii. 

Akizungumza katika mkutano na waandishi wa habari, mmoja wa wabia washirika wa Mazars Group Bw. Ipyana Lazaro alisema wanafuraha kubwa kuwa ni washirika wa kampuni ya ukaguzi wa mahesabu iliyoenea ulimwenguni kote.

Sisi kama washirika wa Mazars, tunajivunia sana chapa yetu mpya. Mazars imekuwepo Tanzania tangu mwaka 2017, ikihudumia wateja wa aina tofauti, wakubwa kwa wadogo. Chapa yetu mpya inatutambulisha na kutuweka kwenye mtazamo tofauti kitaifa na kimataifa, na kuendana na mabadiliko haya, leo tumebadili jina rasmi kutoka Mazars Wiscon Associates na kuwa Mazars Tanzania.”, alisema.

Mabadiliko haya ni miongoni mwa malengo ya Mazars kuleta mtazamo tofauti katika soko la biashara ya ukaguzi wa mahesabu, ushauri wa kodi, maswala ya fedha na uchumi kiujumla, na inathibitisha dhamira yake ya kujenga ulimwengu wa haki, ustawi na uendelevu.

Naye Mwenyekiti na Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa Mazars Group Bw. Hervé Hélias, katika ujumbe wa salamu zake alisema ana furaha sana kuzindua kitambulisho kipya baada ya miaka miwili ya mashauriano ya kina na mapana na washirika, wafanyikazi, wateja na wadau.

Uzinduzi huu wa chapa yetu mpya unaonesha sisi ni nani leo na kuthibitisha matarajio yetu kwa aina ya kampuni tunayotaka kuwa katika siku zijazo. Sisi ni timu moja iliyounganishwa kote ulimwenguni, na kiwango cha kuhudumia wateja wakubwa wa kimataifa na ni wepesi wa katika ubunifu na katika kuleta mabadiliko.” 

Bw. Helias aliongeza kuwa katika kila nchi ambayo kampuni ya Mazars inapofanya kazi, washirika na wafanyakazi huchanganya uelewa wa kitamaduni wa nchi husika na mtazamo wa kimataifa, ikihudumia wateja wa aina mbalimbali kwa ushirikiano wa kweli, ambao unawapa ujasiri katika biashara zao na kuwasaidia kufanikisha azma zao.

Chapa mpya inaashiria na inatambua mageuzi makubwa yaliyofanywa na Mazars kimataifa, ambapo kwa sasa Mazars ina uwepo katika nchi zaidi ya 90, na ina wataalam zaidi ya 25,000 duniani kote. Pia Mazars kupitia umoja unaojulikana kama “Mazars North America Alliance”, umeleta wataalamu wa ziada 16,000 wanaotoa huduma kwa wateja wa makampuni ya Amerika na Canada. Kwa jumla tuna wataalamu zaidi ya 40,000 wanaosaidia wateja wa Mazars ulimwenguni kote. 

Hervé Hélias akiendelea kutoa maoni yake alisema "Kwa miaka 75, kanuni zetu zinazotuongoza hazijabadilika, lakini kampuni yetu imebadilika. Tumekua mara dufu katika miaka kumi iliyopita na tumejitofautisha katika kuhudumia wateja wetu."

Mazars tunaendelea kuwekeza kwenye idara ya ukaguzi (Audit) – kwa kufundisha na kutoa wataalam (expertise), kuwekeza kwenye teknolojia na udhibiti wa ubora (quality control). Idara hii inahitaji kuwekeza kwenye utaalam na ubunifu.

Ili kuendana na matakwa na mabadiliko makubwa yanayoendelea duniani kote. Tumejitahidi sana kuwekeza kwenye ubunifu, usalama wa mifumo na udhibiti wa ubora ili kuendelea kuwa kwenye soko la leo” alimalizia Bw. Helias.

  • Sasa yapanua wigo wake katika nchi zaidi ya 90 ili kuleta mafanikio na mtazamo tofauti katika kazi ya ukaguzi, kutoa huduma za kodi na ushauri kwa ujumla
  • Mabadiliko ya chapa yanathibitisha mkakati wa kujenga ulimwengu wa haki na mafanikio

ABSA Bank Tanzania launches Bancassurance!

Absa Bank Tanzania Managing Director, Abdi Mohamed (centre) addresses a media conference during the official launch of Absa Bank bancassurance proposition dubbed ‘Absa Bima’ in Dar es Salaam today. Looking on from left are; Absa Bancassurance-General Insurance Manager, Jumanne Mbepo, Absa Head of Retail Banking, Oscar Mwamfwagasi and Head of Absa Bancassurance, Sandeep Chavda.

Absa Bank Tanzania has launched its Bancassurance proposition dubbed "Absa Bima". The bank has partnered with the top insurance companies in the country to provide its customers with top notch insurance solutions spanning across motor insurance, home insurance, business insurance, medical insurance, travel insurance and life assurance all under one roof.

The bank has been licensed by Tanzania Insurance Regulatory Authority (TIRA) to represent 10 insurance companies, namely; Sanlam Life, Alliance Life, Jubilee Life, Metropolitan Life, Alliance Insurance, Jubilee Insurance, Sanlam General, Britam Insurance, AAR Insurance and Phoenix as Bancassurance agents. 

Addressing the press at a press conference yesterday to announce the product launch, Head of Retail Banking, Oscar Mwamfwagasi said that “Absa is in a mission to improve the general wellbeing of its customers while providing convenience. Our customers no longer need to deal with multiple parties for their insurance and banking needs. They can get everything all under one roof.

Mwamfwagasi also added saying "Apart from mobilizing customers to Absa’s Bancassurance employees banking services, the major aim of the product is to help bring possibilities to life and make customers realize their ambitions, which we at Absa call this Africanacity".

We have included insurance partners for life insurance, general insurance and medical insurance but the same partners will who will cover both individual and corporate products”, said Mr. Sandeep Chavda, Absa Bank Tanzania Head of Bancassurance.

Sandeep also added that "there are more benefits of getting your insurance through Absa Bima, these include the timely renewal and follow up, avoiding fund transfer charges if one had to pay directly to insurers, price discounts, easy application process, premium financing and more, all these are made easy by leveraging on the existing banking systems."

"Furthermore, the solution is available to both existing customers with an account at Absa and new customers."


Waziri wa nchi ofisi ya Rais Tawala za Mikoa na Serikali za Mitaa Mhe; Selemani Jafo, akikabidhi mfano wa hundi yenye dhamani ya shilingi 138,603,889 ikiwa ni gawio la wanahisa kutoka Benki ya DCB kwa Mkuu wa Wilaya ya Temeke Godrin Gondwe (wapilikushoto), na Mkuu wa Wilaya ya Kigamboni Sarah Msafiri, kushoto ni Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa Benki ya DCB, Godfrey Ndalahwa, pamoja na Kaimu Mwenyekiti wa Bodi ya Benki hiyo Zawadia Nanyaro, hafla hiyo imefanyika jana jijini Dar es Salaam.
Waziri wa nchi ofisi ya Rais Tawala za Mikoa na Serikali za Mitaa Mhe; Selemani Jafo (wa tatu kushoto), akikabidhi mfano wa hundi yenye dhamani ya shilingi 30,780,000 kwa Mkurugenzi Mkuu wa Shirika la Taifa la Bima ya Afya (NHIF) Bernard Konga ikiwa ni gawio la hisa za shirika hilo kutoka Benki ya DCB. Wa pili kushoto ni Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa Benki ya DCB, Godfrey Ndalahwa, pamoja na Kaimu Mwenyekiti wa Bodi wa benki hiyo Zawadia Nanyaro, hafla hiyo imefanyika jana jijini Dar es Salaam.
Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa Benki ya DCB, Godfrey Ndalahwa, akiwakaribisha Mkuu Wilaya ya Kigamboni Sarah Msafiri, na Mkurugenzi wa Jiji Bi Sipora Jonathan wakati wa hafla ya Benki ya DCB ilipokuwa ikitoa Gawio kwa wanahisa wake wakuu jijini Dar es Salaam jana.
Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa Benki ya DCB, Godfrey Ndalahwa (katikati), akimsikiliza Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa Mfuko wa Uwekezaji (UTT) Simon Migangala wakati wa hafla ya benki ya DCB ya kutoa gawio kwa wanahisa wake wakuu jijini Dar es Salaam jana. Kulia ni Kaimu Mwenyekiti wa Bodi wa benki hiyo Zawadia Nanyaro.

Absa Bank Tanzania recognizes its Esteemed Customers

Absa Bank Tanzania Chief Financial Officer, Obedi Laiser giving his keynote remarks at a function organized by ABT to recognize some of its long standing customers and external stakeholders being part of the bank's 2020 customer service month celebrations. A brief occasion was held in Dar es Salaam today.
Absa Bank Tanzania Chief Financial Officer, Obedi Laiser (centre), presenting certificate a appreciation to one of its long standing customer, Prudence Masaku at a function organized by ABT to recognize its long standing customers and external stakeholder being part of the bank's 2020 customers service month celebrations in Dar es Salaam today. Looking on is Absa Head of Corporate Client Service, Minal Sanghvi.
Absa Bank Tanzania Chief Financial Officer, Obedi Laiser (centre), presenting certificate a appreciation to one of its long standing customer, Julius Massawe at a function organized by ABT to recognize its long standing customers and external stakeholder being part of the bank's 2020 customers service month celebrations in Dar es Salaam yesterday. Looking on is Absa Head of Retail Products & Strategy, Heristraton Genesis. 
Absa Bank Tanzania Director of Compliance & Legal, Irene Sengati Giattas (centre), presenting a certificate a appreciation to one of its long standing stakeholder, Margaret Nyangusi at a function organized by ABT to recognize its long standing customers and external stakeholder being part of the bank's 2020 customers service month celebrations in Dar es Salaam today. Looking on is ABT Chief Financial Officer, Obedi Laiser.
Some members of Absa Bank Tanzania management team pose for a souvenir photograph with the bank’s external stakeholders during the ceremony.
Some members of Absa Bank Tanzania management team pose for a memento photograph with some of the bank’s long standing customers during the ceremony.

Today we kick off our Customer Service Month celebrations, as we honor the importance of providing our loyal and valued customers with outstanding service.  This is the first time Absa Bank Tanzania celebrates and recognizes the support we get from customers since the adaption of our new name.

Along with customers, Absa Bank Tanzania also recognize our external dream team that has shown their utmost dedication and provided extraordinary services that have enabled us to serve our customers better.Indeed, the celebrations are about recognizing our longstanding customers who have been part of the story of our growth and change since 2000 when we first opened doors in Tanzania.

We are taking this opportunity to remind our valued customers on our service delivery promise and commitment. The year 2020 has proven that times are changing fast, and we are ready to prove to our customers that our service quality will rise to the occasion. We promise to;


·        Improve our availability: Our customers can chat with us anytime, anywhere through our Chat box number +255 743 254 244.

·        Improve our turnaround time in service delivery

·        We are the only bank that can guarantee to issue debit cards in less than 20 minutes

Speaking on the Customer Service Month, Chief Financial Officer Mr. Obedi Laiser said: “Our ultimate aim and objective is to deliver the “One Absa” customer experience consistently and seamlessly by increasing our digital footprint by providing relevant products and services in these changing times.

In the key highlights of the event, the Head of Retail Products & Strategy, Heristraton Genesis said: “We appreciate our customers as they are reason for our existence. We are having an ongoing initiative dubbed ‘Great Service Starts with Me’ to improve service delivery and turnaround time to our customer while increasing individual accountability. We are brave, passionate and ready to continuously provide customers with the best service

Echoed what was said by previous speakers, Absa Bank Tanzania Head of Business Banking, Mr. Melvin Saprapasen promised continued support along with partnership, ease of dealing and customized services to the SME and Commercial Segment customers.

Customer Experience and Digital front was represented by the Head of Customer Experience and Digital, Mr. Samuel Mkuyu, who said: “The banks strategy is to continually be relevant in the changing times. Several enhancements are being done to the services provided that allow us to boldly venture into the digital error.

The event was held at Absa Bank Tanzania head offices, Ohio Street in Dar es Salaam.



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