Who is behind Chalinze Cement? What is hidden and why?

For some time now I have been following a company called Chalinze Cement and what I saw was funny. Did you know that this company does not own any land that can mine limestone for cement production? It also doesn't even have the branding they claim to have. They do not even import cement into the country through any of our ports in Tanzania.

The only thing I could find for citizens and users of cement products related to this company is a construction and paint store located in Kisutu in the Dar es Salaam region.

Nothing else! That's what happened when I asked about this group to defend consumers in the country, I didn't find the truth or anything about them.

It doesn't have members, it doesn't have an office, and it doesn't even have a registration, so I wonder how they get the right to hinder their fellow Tanzanians from this huge investment of 500 million US dollars?

Let me ask my fellow writers for something, I challenge one of you to publish pictures of Chalinze Cement workers or a picture of their cement storage bag, even a picture of their limestone mining license.

Even if they have not started mining, publish that so that the people understand that they are investors in the country.

The same goes for the Association for the Defense of Consumers in the country (TCAS). Explain the number of your members. What cases have they ever won while defending consumers in the country?

So I wonder... How come they have a chance to delay the investment of 500 million dollars between the Twiga company and Tanga Cement.

A delay that lasted more than a year and a half? We Tanzanians, how much money could we save by having that money in our country?

I have heard rumors that they are trying to put a damper on this sale by causing more delays. But it is clear that the company Twiga and Tanga Cement will not stop at that.


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